Google indexing is a fundamental process by which Google crawls and stores website data for later retrieval when users search for relevant information. It plays a crucial role in determining a website’s visibility on the search engine results page (SERP). Websites that are not indexed by Google will not appear in search results, making it imperative for website owners to ensure that their websites are properly indexed by Google to maximize their online visibility.

Here is how you can get your site indexed on Google.

1.  Manage Search Engine Visibility in WordPress

To manage your website’s visibility on search engines in WordPress, the first step is to check the settings. After logging in to your WordPress dashboard, go to the “Settings” section and click on “Reading.” Here, you will find the “Search Engine Visibility” option that discourages search engines from indexing your website. Make sure to uncheck this option to allow search engines to crawl and index your website.

2.  Manually Index Your Articles

It can be a time-consuming process to manually index each article on your website, but it can improve the visibility of your content on search engines. Here are some steps you can take to manually index each article:

  1. Copy the URL of the article you want to index.
  2. Go to Google Search Console and sign in to your account.
  3. Click on the website you want to index.
  4. Click on “URL Inspection” in the left-hand menu.
  5. Paste the URL of the article in the search bar and click “Enter.”
  6. Click on “Request Indexing” and wait for Google to crawl and index the article.

This process may take some time, but it can be useful for ensuring that each of your articles is indexed by Google and easily found by potential readers.

3.  Add Internal Links to Your Website

Google indexes the websites with the help of its crawling spider. The crawling spider navigates with the help of links. So, adding internal links to your website can direct the spider to different pages of your website.

When the spider follows a path of links, it tells the Google algorithm that your content is worth indexing.

The key is not to add too many internal links but to keep it value-oriented. The links you add need to direct the readers to the parts of your website they are interested in.

4.  Use High-Quality Backlinks in Your Web Content

To boost your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), it’s important to use high-quality backlinks in your web content. Furthermore, adding external links is another way to get Google to index your site. However, not all external links are worth it. So choose external links carefully.

A rule of thumb is to take external links from authority websites that Google already trusts. This way, the crawling spider can follow the path through high-quality backlinks and perceive your website as credible.

5.  Create XML Sitemap for Your Website

Getting new sites indexed on Google is a difficult task. One of the reasons is the lack of internal links, as these sites don’t have much content to create a path of internal links.

In such cases, you can create an XML sitemap that gives Google the path of your website by linking all the important pages. As the XML sitemap is in a machine-readable format, you have a better chance of your site getting indexed.

Creating this map isn’t difficult. You can easily create it with the help of WordPress plugins or even AISEO.

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