While researching different web hosting options, you must have come across tons of articles describing the cost-benefit of public cloud. It may even appear that the public cloud is a no-brainer for companies of all sizes operating in different sectors.
In this blog post, we will examine whether the public cloud is really the most cost-effective option for anyone and everyone or whether it is a myth created by public cloud giants.
Public Cloud’s Pay-As-You-Go Pricing Model — What’s the Implication?
All public cloud service providers, including AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, follow the pay-as-you-go pricing model. You pay only for the resources you use. This may sound attractive. You do not have to buy a server or take the responsibility of maintaining it, so you need not invest upfront or pay a team of IT experts.
However, the bill you receive at the end of the month can be a shocker. The price you pay for data storage is usually low, but you have to pay to access the data. So, the more value you get from the data, the more you pay. Besides, you have to pay several other charges that can quickly escalate the total bill amount.
This pricing model can work perfectly for small businesses and start-ups with limited traffic and minimal active data. However, as the business grows, tracking spending can become increasingly difficult.
The Profit Margin of Public Cloud Giants—What Does It Say?
Recently, an article published in Light Reading discusses how the public cloud is starting to look like a rip-off. The author and many other experts in the field raise their concerns about the obscene profit margins of all three public cloud giants.
Data revealed by Amazon Web Services shows the company has made a 30% operating margin on sales of around $59 billion during the first three quarters of 2022. Azure reported an operating margin of 44% on sales of $20.3 billion from its intelligent cloud segment during the third quarter.
Web Hosting Options That You Should Consider
As mentioned above, a public cloud can be beneficial and cost-effective for a start-up or a small business. However, over the long haul, it will probably make you question your decision when you find you are throwing money down the drain. You will also find yourself locked into the public cloud offered by a single service provider, as it is insanely expensive and notoriously difficult to migrate your workload from one cloud environment to another.
If you do not want to invest in an on-premises data center, you have other more affordable options, such as a rented dedicated server and private cloud. In the long run, these options offer more flexibility compared to the public cloud at a lower cost.
With a managed dedicated server, you do not have to have an in-house IT team to maintain your server. Choose a dedicated server service that offers flexibility, scalability, and security.
Managed dedicated server services like Dynamic Hosting offers a single-dashboard solution. It means you can manage all your accounts, files, and tools from an easy-to-use dashboard. You can also host your private cloud on this server.
You select a plan and pay a fixed monthly rent. No surprise and no unpredictability. You know the exact amount you have to pay. You can also easily switch from one plan to another without paying any penalties. Visit Dynamic Hosting for more information.
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