food blog

Do you consider yourself a “Foodie?” Is food more of a hobby than simply something to eat to survive, as Masons Restaurant and Bar says? Are you always taking pictures of your meals? If so, you should consider starting a Food Blog! Don’t know where to begin? We can help you buy a dedicated server online and start posting!

1. Pick a Theme

Let’s be real—no one wants to see every single meal you have every day. Instead, choose one dish or style to try at different restaurants or to make yourself. Maybe you can rate the spaghetti and meatballs at every Italian joint, or track the biggest burgers in the state. If you’re a travel blogger as well, you could write about the delicacies of each region you visit. With a great idea and a dynamic dedicated server, the world is your (delicious) oyster!

2. Promote Yourself

Once you have a theme up and running, you’ll have to gain traction on your web server with some promotion. If you’re able, buy ads talking about your site, or advertise with SEO on Google. If you don’t have the funds yet, you can turn yourself into a brand. Perhaps you could have a slogan or title for each blog, like “That’s the Scoop!” when you rate ice cream parlors. Then you could create a hashtag for social media, or even sell merch!

3. Take Pictures with a Purpose

 What does this mean, you ask? Well, many bloggers just post food that is pretty, fancy, or outlandish, like the Kitchen Sink at Disney. But what the Disney Food Blog does right is they don’t just post the picture and say what it was—they talk about the whole experience! So when you get a great photograph of a perfect filet mignon, don’t just leave it at how it tasted. Talk about the atmosphere of the restaurant, the excitement you had when the food arrived, and how the wine you had paired with the meal. Make your readers feel like they’re going on an adventure with your photographs.

4. Partner with Local Restaurants

This is a great way to gain traction for both your blog and the restaurant in your community—a win-win! Partner with local places to promote their food and increase tourism, or experiment and try and create at home to compare. Either way, readers will be drawn to both your insight and the restaurant’s dishes, whether it’s an old favorite or a trendy new spot.

starting a food blog

Ready to start your blog? You’ll need a high-performance web server for all the traffic you’re about to get! And if you really get popular, maybe you’ll look for an e-commerce site to sell some recipes or merch! Either way, you have to check out Dynamic Hosting for all your hosting needs, at a low cost. Bon appetite!