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5 Website Hosting Terms

Have you ever been in a situation where all your colleagues, friends, or family are gathered around, and you have no idea what they are talking about, as if the words coming out of their mouth are gibberish? Well, you’re not alone. Every single industry or subject has...

Do You Need Storage Space for Your Website?

Starting a website is a beautiful thing. Although it comes with certain strains, it becomes easier when you get the fundamentals right. You might even find web management more interesting than you thought.One essential aspect of creating a website is choosing a...

Choosing Different Types of Web Hosting

Every website owner needs a host, and the types of hosting available can seem overwhelming. From cloud hosting to shared web hosting, there are a dizzying array of options out there. It’s imperative to make sure you know which type is best for you. Each one comes with...

3 Things You Need to Know About Website Hosting

There are still many people who don’t know what website hosting does for their business, and some maybe never heard of it. Nowadays, almost every business has turned to website hosting because of the growth it brings for them. Some choose to work with shared website...

Domain name or Web hosting—Which do you need?

People often confuse these two concepts for one another. Some even think one matters more than the other. As a newbie, the first thing you probably learned about owning a website is getting a domain name. And that’s right, you do need a domain name to start your...

How effective is your web host?

Think of web hosting as a house. In it, you’re looking to find comfort, security, and peace. As a site owner, you deserve a web host that provides all that and more. Generally, Hosting Sites offer storage to their users, making your website accessible to the world or...