When it comes to your website your choice of web hosting is vital. Web hosting is where your website lives and without it, it just doesn’t exist.
Choosing the right hosting option is key. While most serious businesses know to avoid shared hosting, there are still a number of options, chief amongst which are virtual private servers and dedicated hosting.
Both VPS and dedicated hosting offers enhanced security, performance, and scalability. But which option works best for your needs?
To understand a little more about the hosting service that is best for your business, read on. We will make everything clear.

Virtual Private Servers
A virtual private server, while technically running off shared machines, creates a private virtual server environment. Ensuring that you don’t encounter the problems that come with shared servers. VPSs run on a hypervisor or virtual machine monitor which gives you a dedicated operating system for your website.
With a VPS you get better performance than you would with a shared server, at a lower cost than other more comprehensive options. Some of the features are limited. However, and you will still run into issues when it comes to performing at the very highest levels.

Dedicated Hosting Server
A dedicated server is exactly that – A server that is dedicated entirely to your website hosting. (Including all hardware resources). Nothing is shared with other users, which means you get total control. In addition, you get the full power of your chosen provider’s resources.
Dedicated servers offer the highest possible performance as well as total control over your server environment. You’ll never have to worry about lag, downtime, or speed, and every aspect of your business online will perform perfectly.
Both VPS and dedicated hosting are good choices. For small and medium-sized businesses, you will probably find that VPS can meet most of your needs. But if you genuinely want optimized performance, the highest levels of security, and total control, then a dedicated server will be the way to go.
If you want to know more about dedicated hosting and how it can help your business, check out Dynamic Hosting today!