Getting a dedicated server for your company is a big decision to make. Especially if you are a small business owner with limited means, you may tend to believe that shared hosting is your only option. However, depending on the nature and service of your business, you may need a dedicated server to optimize the customer experience.
The good news is the service providers like Dynamic Hosting offer a range of budget-friendly options, suitable even for start-ups and small businesses. Besides, they provide you managed hosting service to simplify the maintenance. You can manage your accounts, files, and other tools from their single easy-to-use dashboard, just like you do for shared hosting.

While shared hosting is a perfect choice for some small businesses, it may not be the case for others. Here are some points to consider before you select web hosting for your company.
Does your business deal with confidential information?
One of the main reasons to choose a dedicated hosting plan is its higher degree of security. If you need to store sensitive information such as the client’s credit card details, you need a more secure server to keep them safe. An event of a security breach can ruin your business forever. As the shared hosting servers are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks, it is highly advisable that you choose an affordable dedicated hosting service for your website.
How important is the page loading time for your business?
The website page loading time can be of extreme importance for some small businesses. For example, if you run an e-commerce site, your website will have tons of images. Now, if your server cannot load the page quickly and display all the photos at once, then chances are, potential customers will leave the page. To gain new customers and retain the old ones, you must provide them a seamless experience while visiting your site. As a small business, you cannot afford to lose your customers to your competitors. Thus, in such cases, a dedicated server can be your best bet.
Can a shared hosting server handle your website traffic?
Website traffic is one of the primary considerations while deciding the type of hosting server. As the owner, you have a fair idea about how much traffic you may expect in a month. A shared-hosting server has a limited capacity to handle the traffic. If you think your website will attract more traffic than a shared hosting server can handle, choose a more scalable option like a dedicated server.
On the other hand, if you already have a website hosted on a shared server and your traffic increases exponentially, maybe it’s time to migrate to a dedicated server.
Do you need complex applications to run on your website?
There are businesses where the website is used only for disseminating information and contact details; all the other works are offline. For such a website, a shared hosting server can work fine. If you need to run complex applications on your website, you need a dedicated server.
Also, if your business requires you to upload tons of videos on your site, the storage space of a shared hosting server won’t be enough for your website to run. Get a dedicated server that has enough space to run the applications and play the videos.
Visit Dynamic Hosting for world-class dedicated servers well within your means.